Sleep Health Center

We all know how precious a good night’s sleep can be. As parents, we want our children to sleep well for their own health – as well as ours! But growing up involves a lot of physical and psychological change, and this can affect a child’s sleep in a number of ways.

Nightmares, sleep terrors, bedwetting, insomnia, and sleep apnea can all cause problems, not to mention the simple fact that sometimes kids don’t want to go to sleep because they don’t want to miss anything! Understanding the common childhood sleep-related problems will ease your mind and allow you to help your kids through each stage of their development.

Featured Article

Why toddlers have sleep issues, and how to solve them

Dr. Greene’s take on toddlers and sleep…   As your baby becomes a toddler, chances are they will give you some sleepless nights. In this week’s post I’ve got your solution. But first a little fun fact. Strange but true: whether or not your toddler awakens you, each night you’re almost certainly waking up about …

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Sleep can be a powerful respite for adults and children alike, but certain things can interfere with sleep, making for cranky days ahead. Our articles explore common causes for lack of sleep in children, including sleep apnea, colic and nightmares.

Q&A Guides

Dr. Greene gives his expert advice on subjects ranging from co-sleeping to sleep patterns, as well as how to help children fall back asleep on their own.

Newborn & Baby Sleep

Oftentimes young babies tend to be nocturnal; it takes some time to train them to sleep at night. Here we look at ways to manage rest for parents and babies in the earliest days of childhood.


Small children love the chance to snuggle up with their parents. Learn the safest ways to do this, as well as tips for encouraging children to sleep in their own beds.

Sleep Deprivation

Lack of sleep creates more problems than just a cranky child. Sleep deprivation leads to difficulty focusing, irritability and aggravation of ADHD symptoms. Take a look at common causes of loss of sleep and how to create more restful nights ahead.

Sleep Habits

Creating a consistent ritual around bedtime can help kids fall asleep faster and get them on a regular schedule, ensuring better rest. Learn how to create comfort around bedtime, including ways to solve bedwetting and night terrors.

Dreams, Night Terrors

Dreamtime is a fascinating landscape, but night terrors can make falling asleep very scary. Explore the difference between nightmares, night terrors and confusional arousal, and how best to guide your child through these stages.