La Conexión: Global connections for better health

How La Conexión Works
- Establishing a relationship between an individual expert clinician and a local underserved community
- Training expert clinicians on the best practices in telemedicine
- Providing telemedicine tools to local community health leaders
- Setting up open communication between expert clinicians and remote care teams
- Providing ongoing access to expert clinicians so local community health leaders can help community members obtain expert, personalized health information and education on an as-needed basis
La Conexión History
This effort began in a remote community in Costa Rica. We began visiting in person a number of years ago. The visits were irregular and infrequent. Then COVID hit.
As we all moved from in-person to remote care, it became clear, this was a much more sustainable way to be available remotely. We were able to draw on the lessons learned during the pandemic to continue to be available via telemedicine to the community in Costa Rica. Not only was this less expensive and easier, but led to much more timely support.
La Conexión Going Forward
In 2023 we’re taking our first growth steps into three communities on a remote island in the Philippines. We are taking a team of four doctors and five support volunteers to the island to establish relationships with community members. The doctors on this trip have committed to providing ongoing support to the local community healthcare workers for at least two years.
It’s a bold outreach. We know not everything we have done in the past will work in a different culture. But we’re committed to learning and plan on expanding both in the Philippines and in other remote areas in the future.
Interested in Volunteering?
At his time all our expert clinicians are US based, but we’d love to work with anyone who is qualified and interested in volunteering. For more information Contact Us.