Children’s Environmental Health Research Centers Studies Effect of Toxic Exposures on Autism, ADHD, Hearing, Behavior, & IQ

Current evidence tells us that DDT was responsible for a host of medical problems and the deaths of many children – but the link wasn’t proven until more than 30 years later!
I’m certain that the dangers of some chemicals in common use in the United States today have yet to be proven.
However, in October 2001, the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS) and the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) took a major step forward, announcing four new children’s environmental health research centers. They will look into environmental exposures that may contribute to autism and ADHD. They will also investigate children’s variable genetic susceptibility to different environmental poisons, including the impact of exposure to mercury and PCBs. In addition they hope to measure the impact of reducing exposures to pesticides, lead and tobacco smoke on children’s hearing, behavior and test scores.
The four new centers will open in August 2002, joining eight already established in 1998. What a wonderful step forward for our children.